Using a pitcher as an example:
Technical: a bio-mechanically sound, repeatable delivery
Tactical: the chess match versus the hitter-understanding what to throw and when
Psychological: a confident mindset that weathers the inevitable ups and downs of the sport, both outing to outing, and over a career
Physical: maximizing the body to generate as much velocity as possible, as well as durability
All four aspects are interrelated, and collectively, determine an athletes performance
Here’s the thing about baseball though: as the sport has become more and more specialized, most baseball kids gap in performance is the physical
The reason is that even by high school they’ve often been playing year round for well over a DECADE
Most have also been taking lessons for well over a decade as well
As a result, their sport skill is relatively high
What most lack however, and why so many get STUCK, is the physical
They lack the necessary speed, power, velocity, and durability to succeed, ESPECIALLY as the levels go up and it becomes more competitive
They’re trying to play a grown man’s game with the force outputs of a boy
And until they correct that-which takes smart, hard work-no amount of mechanical “fixes”, swing adjustments, or lessons will get them where they’re trying to go