End of Jr year of high school I weighed 125lbs and topped 78mph
The crazy thing is I saw no problem
After all, I was winning high school awards 🙄
What I knew how to do was pitch: I could locate black to black and I was throwing a FORKBALL in high school-despite 78 that does get high school hitters out! So to my egotistical mind I thought I was on my way
I was so delusional I expected D1 schools to call me.
I was surprised none did.
What I needed was someone to see my scrawny weak 125lbs 78mph self and explain, hey Fenske, F= MxA if you get stronger and bigger YOU will throw a 5oz object harder than YOU used to throw it: you should gain strength and weight specific to baseball, and see what you’re actually capable of
But I had no one to show me a path which is why I failed.
What I needed was me NOW to go back in time and train me THEN!!
“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed”