🔥 The ONLY Way to “make it work”Nothing works without the physical Tweak this, adjust that, move your hands to here, try this new arm slot, it’s all just words if you...
🔥The Right PerspectiveA key aspect of the psychological aspect of performance is your perspective You have to believe you are in control of the outcome If you...
🔥 The Truth About VeloThis past week a baseball pitcher who I’ve just started training texted me about his start he’d just had. He said that he was 81-83mph,...
🔥 Why Running Poles Actually Makes You WORSERunning poles, “suicides”, and all the other endurance based activities that go on at the high school (and even sometimes college) level...
🔥 Why It Has To Go FAR BEYOND Superficial Motivations!After Tyler shattered his Talus bone in a Motocross accident, Dr’s told him it would take years before he would return to even walking...
🔥 The Matthew PrincipleI love being a part of comeback stories and crazy transformations This past year we had 2 Junior College kids come to train with us who...
🔥The Perfect Swing?Hitters often think EVERYTHING is the technical, that if they had the “perfect” swing they’d bat 1.000. The reality of hitting is you can...
🔥 Action Alleviates Anxiety!It’s easy to get stuck in worry: what’s going to happen with college, will I make the 26 man roster, is a team going to sign me, when...
🔥 How ATHLETES Raise PerformanceYou are not a wannabe bodybuilder. So having a “chest” day and a “back and biceps” day is counter productive You’re an ATHLETE The...