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The Three Groups of Baseball Kids
There are other categories that small groups of players fit into, and some players fit in more than one group; but for the majority of 16...

Maximal Strength: Why, How, and When to Perform it
According to Zatsiorsky in Science and Practice of Strength Training, “Lifting maximal loads (at or above 90%) is considered superior for...

Is Flexibility Important?
Flexibility is defined as the intrinsic properties of body tissues that determine maximal joint range of motion (ROM) without causing...

The Mistake I Made This Week
One of the difficult aspects of being an advanced trainee is some days you just don’t have it. You can come in prepared, focused, ready;...

What Makes an Elite Athlete
There are many components that contribute to athletic success. Many are inherently genetic: think for example, a basketball player. The...

How “Throwing Through It” at the Low Levels, Costs Kids at the High Levels
One of the worst ongoing trends in the lower levels of baseball is coaches having kids throw through discomfort and pain. Bear in mind...

How "Scarcity Mindset" Ruins Progress
Scarcity mindset is thinking that however you achieved a degree of success in something, must be the best way to do it--there's no...

Why is Physical Therapy “Training” so Popular in the Baseball World?
Why do many baseball kids not lift at all/end up doing old man physical therapy as "training"? -Extreme quirkiness of what dictates...

The Big Key to Getting Strong
What someone considers “strong” is of course based on their experience with lifting. What one calls “crazy strong”, is another’s easy...
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